Friday, November 8, 2013


This week has been eye opening. I've learned how dependent (and dare I say addicted?) I am to computer. 
It happened on Saturday night....
I'd just gotten off work and my fingers were itching to type scenes from my brain. I opened the lid to my laptop and pressed the power button only to find the chilling phrase that announced its doom: NO OPERATING SYSTEM FOUND!!!!! (Cue scary music).

Needless to say I tried turning it off and back on again (it is after all IT 101).  When that didn't work I was devestated.  My laptop is only six months old...surely it can't be gone!!!!

I've got it in the ICU of the IT department at the hospital and the prognosis is good (fingers crossed). Though I wait patiently untily laptop comes home I am now anxiously awaiting the arrival of my new iMac.  :().  The good news is that I keep everything backed up on a flash drive so none of my book covers or works in progress were lost in this senseless tragedy.  So, I'll be the proud new parent of an iMac and I'll be helping my recovering laptop...

I told you it has gotta ne an addiction!

Don't miss out on the Romance Reviews Year End Splash!  Lots of prizes, games and chances to chat with authors!!!!

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