Monday, November 26, 2012

If My Head Wasn't Attached!!!!

I lose everything...from my keys to my purse to my well, everything.  I lost my debit card yesterday, and let me tell you..I wasn't aware of how dependent I am on that little buggar.  First, I canceled my card like a responsible adult.  Then, having forgot went to purchase some things with my Amazon account (books, yeah you guessed it!  But hey, in my defense I had found out Exiled: Brides of the Kindred Number 7 was out and I wanna read it...Not to mention...all those super cool books I'm finding on the Year End Splash!)  Anyways, it didn't work and I'm going through withdrawals :(!  
So as I wait impatiently for another debit card, I must make my time off (just one more day, sigh!) go by with WoW (not a big deal) or writing(which I love)...But in my heart and mind I'm sitting there reading Exiled and enjoying every minute of it.  Sigh.

Oh yeah...Today is my chat day during the Year End Splash!  Drop by and ask me a question or whatever you fancy!  I'll be there!  And there is an extra special treat for those who drop by...I'm not telling!

Oh and by the way, if you were wondering...the link for Exile by Evangeline Anderson is: HERE!

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